Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Facts of Gastro Problems | Gastrointestinal Disorders | General Information

Facts and General Information
Common digestive problems include heartburn/GERD, IBD, and IBS. Symptoms may include bloating, diarrhea, gas, stomach pain, and stomach cramps. In order to use the food we eat, our body has to break the food down into smaller molecules that it can process; it also has to excrete waste.
Gastrointestinal Functional Disorders
Functional disorders are the most common problems affecting the colon and rectum, and include constipation and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The primary causes for functional disorders include:
Being stressed
Being pregnant
Eating a diet low in fiber
Not getting enough exercise
Traveling or other changes in routine
Eating large amounts of dairy products
Resisting the urge to have a bowel movement
Taking antacid medicines containing calcium or aluminum
Resisting the urge to have bowel movements due to pain from hemorrhoids
Overusing laxatives (stool softeners) that, over time, weaken the bowel muscles
Taking certain medicines (especially antidepressants, iron pills, and strong pain medicines such as narcotics)
Digestive Diseases Facts and Statistics
Twenty million Americans suffer from chronic digestive diseases
Digestive diseases necessitate 25 per centum of all surgical operations
Digestive diseases are one of the most prevalent causes of disability in the work force
More Americans are hospitalized with digestive diseases than any other type of disease
Digestive diseases rank third among illnesses in total economic cost in the United States
Fourteen million cases of acute digestive diseases are treated in this country each year, including one-third of all malignancies and some of the most common acute infections
Digestive diseases represent one of the Nation's most serious health problems in terms of discomfort and pain, personal expenditures for treatment, working hours lost, and mortality
In the United States, digestive diseases cause yearly expenditures of over $17,000,000,000 in direct health care costs and a total annual economic burden of nearly $50,000,000,000
Read more amazing facts regarding human internal organs.
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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Orthopedic Surgeon in Bhiwani | Doctor | Hospital | Best Facilities

There are lot of facilities for ortho treatment in bhiwani at Chugh Multispeciality Hospital. Click Here to know more.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Best Multi speciality Hospital in Bhiwani | Dr. Mayank Chugh

There are lot of hospital which we can see in bhiwani but few multispeciality hospital in bhiwani city who are having many type treatment in the hospital and one of the hospital that is Chugh Hospital Running by Dr. Mayank. Dr. Mayank is one of the best specialist of gastroenterologist in bhiwani Haryana. For More Details Visit our Website:- www.chughhospital.com